Spiritual Awakening

Awakening One to One with MSA

The Science and the the Reality of the Presence of God as All
The Awakening Course

Spiritual realisations and God consciousness is individual awakening to the truth that God is our being and our world. Since each individual students are at varying level of Truth awareness, they are better guided on an individual spiritual sessions on One to One with the Teacher.

This is a unique opportunity to be led by hand by MSA through the rigours of spiritual discipline and be rewarded with true fulfillment and the experience of God realisations. We were all asleep all this while to the truth of our being and the world. We labor every day for crumbles of bread while the truth of us is the entire kingdom of God. We only need to awake. Awake from the sleep of recognizing objectivity and physicality as real or that they have any power. And as soon as the light of truth dawn on us, we begin to witness our daily lives being harmonious, peaceful, abundant and fulfilled.

Awakening One to One
We were told to seek truth to achieve real freedom. Freedom from lack, wants, pain, sufferings and lack of true fulfillment. The Awakening One to One is designed to introduce beginner’s students to the practice of the presence of God towards witnessing the practicality of God in personal and individual experiences.

The requirements for the One to One are:
1) The time during the day and night for devotion and study.
2) Burning desires to know the truth of self and universe.
3) Openness to new knowledge.
4) Patience.
5) Sacred and holy intentions to seek God for God alone, not for any worldly gain or pleasures.

Awakening One to One is an opportunity to be guided by the Teacher on an individual session. What we have found out is that student are better guided through an individual spiritual rapport with the Teacher. Sessions are available in-person, by phone, WhatsApp and audio Skype by appointment.

Course Contents:
1) What is God? And What am I?
2) What are the world and universe?
3) What is the true purpose?
4) What is self and body?
5) The Practice of Contemplation and Meditation.
6) Understanding what is mind.
7) The Practice of the Presence of God-Practical Ways.
8) Private Questions and Answers Sessions with MSA.

1) Knowledgeable and confident on Meditation Practice.
2) A worry-free existence as you know who and what you and the universe is.
3) Practical transformation of your whole being from being a physical entity to knowing self as Spirit Presence.
4) Spiritual freedom from all worldly fears as you know the truth of them.
5) Eternal Light Presence started filling your consciousness to reveal true peace, joy, happiness, love,           freedom and true purpose of life.
6) The Wisdom of the enlightened one will be streaming down to true Hearts.
7) Awareness is opening as a new being living as the very presence of God here on earth.

Awakening is the Key
Nothing outside our self can deliver us or give us true fulfillment we all seek because the entire kingdom of God is within me and within you. The whole of the Kingdom of God as the very being I am and the whole of the Kingdom of God as the being you are and all are. The question is why is humanity still in one form of lack or the other after more than two thousand years ago since Jesus Christ walked this same earth with truth message of the Kingdom of God has been the entirety of the universe?

Our consciousness is still predominantly material, physical and objective and the promised heaven here on earth failed to materialize in the large majority of the humanity. The answer is we are yet to awaken to the fundamental principle of the universe, although we depend heavily on other principles on earth like the principle of gravity and aerodynamics. We forget or better stated, unaware of the God Principle, Oneness Principle.

Awakening One to One by MSA objective is to provide truth and guide you need to realize your true identity and what/where the Kingdom of God is.

Jesus said the Kingdom of God is with you, where is the within of you? Your real health, abundance, love, harmony, and peace exist right there where you are, but you are unaware of that. Awakening One to One will lead you to your heaven right here on earth.

Further details about One to One will be send to you.
I look forward to teaching and guiding you to the Light of God in you that need to be awakened.
Please feel free to ask any question you may have about One to One or the path to the truth of being.
Thank you and blessings of God to you and loved ones.
This One to One with the Teacher is for all who are interested to know the mystery of the universe and the ultimate path to eternal freedom and true fulfillment. 

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